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What is the best way to manage CLM indices ?

Firoz Khan (121121) | asked Mar 03 '15, 7:12 a.m.

 Scenario : we have our incremental backups scheduled on daily and full backups on weekly.
In this case do we have to take the backup of indices on daily
How are the indices get verified with the database once we restore it ?
is it based on the timestamp ?
we have verified the following links 

2 answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Mar 03 '15, 2:31 p.m.
Hi Firoz,

The indices need to be backed up at the time the database is backed up.  If the database needs to be restored from a backup, the indices must also be restored.  If the indices were not backed up then the repotool-(application name)  reindex -all will need to be run.

Firoz Khan commented Mar 06 '15, 4:26 a.m.

Hi Abraham,

   Thanks for the response,

 We are trying understand how often the indices backup should be taken. Right now we are taking full backup of Database and indices weekly once and incremental backups daily. What are the considerations ?

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Mar 06 '15, 8:38 a.m.
Hello Firoz,

Short Answer: General rule of thumb is whenever a backup of the database is made, the indices need to also be backed up.

Long Winded Answer:  Dashboards and text searches are dependent on the indices.  If the indices are not matched to the current state of the database, then there may be unexpected results.  In the case of that we have to restore the state of the database using an incremental backup, the indices and database will not be aligned, that is the indices will have data that is not in sync with the state of the database.  This difference can cause unexpected behavior when viewing dashboards or running queries.

Let me know if this addresses your questions/concerns.

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