How to calculate Elapsed Time for each approval in the Approvals tab
3 answers
Hi Manoj,
Am trying to make a report to show the aging of the work item state and each approval .To be very clear,I want to calculate how much time WI was in one state. and also with the approval state.
Transition from New -> In Progress
New state - For how much Duration it is in New State(in hrs,mins,secs).
Any anyone suggest on this.
In Rational Insight or RRDI, you can do this quite easily by looking in the Operational Data Store area of the data model. Under the 'Request Area' folder you will see a section called 'Request Approval' and another section called 'Request State History'. You should be able to find the "Days in State" under 'Request State History' and then join this with data from the 'Request Approvals' section to get the approval state.
If you are looking for the history of the approval, I don't think that information is available. But I hope this should be enough to get you started.
If you are looking for the history of the approval, I don't think that information is available. But I hope this should be enough to get you started.
How can we convert " Days in State" to minutes if the states change on same day. In report it will show the Days in State as zero. We want the aging iin minutes. Anyway we can achieve this?
I don't know how to do this without a lot of customization, but you could look at the 'Reuqest History' instead of the 'Request State History' area to try to calculate this yourself.
Hi Jackie Albert,
I have created the report which shows "days in state" . I am trying to make a report where if state changes on same day as "Don Max" said,Report to show changes in hours and minutes.I got the result when used "Request State History" with two queries and join .But when WI reopens and go with another loop.Miscalculation is happening.
Can you please suggest me on this.