What triggers emails on work item creation
2 answers
Based on my reading of the terms of the users email config
they can get email when they ARE the owner, when some ELSE SUBSCRIBES them to a workitem, or when they are ASSIGNED an approval.
I do not see 'when I become the owner', only when 'I AM the owner'.
so, I think this notification (becoming owner) is not sent by design
On create, ONLY subscribers get email.
edit: looks like I am wrong on this one. I see the entry in the mail config.. just don't have reliable experience with it.
they can get email when they ARE the owner, when some ELSE SUBSCRIBES them to a workitem, or when they are ASSIGNED an approval.
I do not see 'when I become the owner', only when 'I AM the owner'.
so, I think this notification (becoming owner) is not sent by design
On create, ONLY subscribers get email.
edit: looks like I am wrong on this one. I see the entry in the mail config.. just don't have reliable experience with it.
I just tried the following:
- As user A, I created a new WI; prior to the initial "Save", I assigned the WI to user B.
- As user A, I created another new WI, but this time I did not assign it to a user on creation; only after the WI has been saved, I assigned it to user B and saved the WI again.
User B received Email notifications in both cases:
- User B received a "full" summary of the WI (i.e., containing Summary, Status, Description, Type, Project Area, Owned By, Subscribed By, Id, Creation Date, Created By, Restricted Access)
- User B received on an update information (i.e., Owned By)
Both Emails stated that user B received the respective Email due to user's relationship as "Owner" of the WI.
In summary, this looks like the answer to your question is:
- Yes, owners are able to get an EMail notification from WI creation / assignment.
- If they do not, the place to check is the Mail Configuration in the CCM User Profile (CCM > User Icon > View My Profile and Licenses > Mail Configuration) and check, what "owner" rules have been disabled to prevent your user from receiving the appropriate notifications. (In my case, user B had checked all options in the owner column)