Is there any way to know what client versions are connecting to RTC?

Also, we are looking for any configuration/parameter to allow us to set a MINIMUM client version of to keep people from using 3.0.x clients. Our work items are starting to use 4.0.x features (like the operational behavior for read only for type and state) and the 3.0.x clients would not understand these features.
Accepted answer


One follow-on
- if I change this to STRICT, does this restrict the lower-level Eclipse clients AND things like java programs using the Java APIs?

Yes; It does restrict the lower-level Eclipse clients to connect to the higher-version of the RTC server; However, I am not sure on the Java programs using the Java API's

Yes. the eclipse client uses the normal client apis.

Follow-on ... how strict is "STRICT"? Is it a release or down to the fix pack level? For example, if I set this to STRICT does this mean that if my server is, that ONLY the client will work? or will or When we migrate to 4.0.5, will everybody HAVE to update their client to 4.0.5?

I hope this helps.

Good follow up question. STRICT is very strict :)..
For example, you migrate to 4.0.5, set the STRICT setting, then only 4.0.5 clients can connect to this 4.0.5 server and not even the clients. I just tested this.
I hope this helps.

Sumant, one last question...
I see STRICT is very strict but does this only limit back level client versions? What happens if someone tries to use a 4.0.6 client with a 4.0.5 server?


One other answer


Yea, I had gotten that far and it shows 3 logins from a 3.0 client and around 2,000 logins from 3.0.1 clients. I need to know "who" to go nag about moving up :-)

If so How do we get hold of these lists of hotsnames or IP addresses tied to each Eclipse client version ?

Unfortunately there is no way to tie the two together..
using your web server you can collect the IP addresses of the connecting clients,
but you cannot see the data in the packets to tell what the api means.