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Fully qualified domain names

Jeff Taylor (7673) | asked May 22 '09, 10:15 a.m.
I've set up a RTC server and database in my local domain, and can log into the web UI with the following link:


If I send this link to another co-worker who happend to work in a different domain the above link does not work. That is because "mylocalhost" does not exist in his domain. To get around this issue, I can specify the full qualified name of the host instead....

This allows the user to see the login page and will validate his password. After the validation, it tries to go to the following link, but drops the fully qualified domain name...


I can get aournd this by adding the domain name back into the URL, but I want to know how to configure Jazz and RTC to always use the fully qualified domain instead.

Does anyone know how to do this?


2 answers

permanent link
Brian Wolfe (25613725) | answered May 22 '09, 3:16 p.m.
Funny, but I have the opposite problem.
My eclipse client users cannot connect to my instance unless they use unqualified name. FQDN results in connection errors.

permanent link
Masaki Wakao (236) | answered May 24 '09, 10:34 a.m.
Please try the following setting:
1. Go to admin page
2. Open "Advanced Properties"
3. Set "Host Name" property in category as you think appropriate

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