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Is it possible to generate a changelog in a json or xml format?

Scott Crouch (48532426) | asked Oct 22 '13, 9:46 a.m.
retagged Dec 16 '13, 1:22 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
We're trying to setup a build process that needs to be able to process the files and work items that were changed with a build. We know we can get the changelog generated with the ant GenerateChangeLogTask. However this gives us a file format that isn't easily consumable/parsable. Is there a way to generate a json output for this instead? Or does somebody have a java snippet that could get us the similar information?


Kevin Ramer commented Oct 25 '13, 4:00 p.m.

The (4.0.3) scm compare/list changesets operations have a -j ( --json ) flag that is described "Enable JSON output"

Look for "Source control command line reference" in the RTC InfoCenter (Rational Team Concert / Reference )

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Oct 25 '13, 5:50 p.m.

Article 1031 describes how to use the SCM commandline to generate JSON output in various scripts. In addition to this article 195 mentions how to set up RTC builds with custom commands for build tasks. Combining the two should get you what you need.

If this answers your question please mark it as accepted.

- Arne

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