RTC 2.0 Beta 2 is now available
9 answers

I'm new here. We would like to try the Standard RTC, is there ONE file to download? Or do I have to download multiple files? We are testing on Windows 2003 Server.
You have a couple of options.
If you want to use Express-C which is our free version with a permanent license, download the "Client and Server" zip. Note that it doesn't include DB2 because Express-C only supports Derby.
If you want to try out a trial of another edition you can either download the web install and from there download the server and client and DB2 if you wish, or you can download the local server install (which includes DB2) and the optional client install separately.
As an exception to what I said above, since these are early release builds right now, even the Express-C server keys have a timeout which is currently sometime in mid or end July. However once we release 2.0 GA, if you download that build, the Express-C will have a permanent key in it. The other editions will have a 60 day trial timeout.

Hello, I tried to click on the windows zip files (client and server), but after I click "Accept" on the license agreement, I got "Access Denied". Do I have to be on a certain list to get the bits? Thanks! --- Rachel
Hi Rachel - you need to be logged in to jazz.net before you download, that is all.

Hello, I tried to click on the windows zip files (client and server), but after I click "Accept" on the license agreement, I got "Access Denied". Do I have to be on a certain list to get the bits? Thanks! --- Rachel
Hi Rachel - you need to be logged in to jazz.net before you download, that is all.
I logged in to jazz.net. After I click "Accept", I got
Access Denied
The page you requested cannot be accessed.
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That's right, Adrian. Sorry about that. We're still working on getting it right, but the https URL should work for you:

Hello itengtools,
there used to be an installation manager version as one file. However for
the Beta2 there seens to be no package containing all data (I hope there
will be one in the final release).
As a minimum you need the server, potentially a client and on top of that
the build engine and other supporting options such as connectors you require
for your situation.
there used to be an installation manager version as one file. However for
the Beta2 there seens to be no package containing all data (I hope there
will be one in the final release).
As a minimum you need the server, potentially a client and on top of that
the build engine and other supporting options such as connectors you require
for your situation.
I'm new here. We would like to try the Standard RTC, is there ONE file
to download? Or do I have to download multiple files? We are testing
on Windows 2003 Server.

Hello yrhuang.us.ibm.com,
Tried it just now and could download the server zip and the client zip. You
might want to try other download options if that one fails.
In general you should need to register to jazz.net and then you'll be able
to download all the data.
Tried it just now and could download the server zip and the client zip. You
might want to try other download options if that one fails.
In general you should need to register to jazz.net and then you'll be able
to download all the data.
Hello, I tried to click on the windows zip files (client and server),
but after I click "Accept" on the license agreement, I got
"Access Denied". Do I have to be on a certain list to get
the bits? Thanks! --- Rachel