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Team Progress View in RTC 5.0.2

vishnudharan manivannan (1183742) | asked Jan 12 '15, 12:10 a.m.
 Hello All,

There's a "Team Progress" view in RTC 5.0.2 which lets us know the time remaining, hours worked, items resolved, and story points achieved in a sprint.

I'm not able to find this view. Has anybody seen this? 

I'm not able to find this view. Has anybody seen this? 

Please let me know how I can navigate to this view.

Thanks in advance!
Vishnu M

One answer

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vishnudharan manivannan (1183742) | answered Jan 12 '15, 4:07 a.m.
 Hi All,

I 've found this view. It's under the Plans > quick planner section. 

Vishnu M

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