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How to get changeset details associate to a workitem

Chandan M B (1134080) | asked Jun 23 '15, 10:24 a.m.
I need to get the changeset details associated to a workitem.
Creator , comments and filenames


Martha (Ruby) Andrews commented Jun 23 '15, 1:22 p.m.

Are you asking how to make the association? Or, how to see the details in RTC? Or, how to get the details through a custom plugin you are writing?

Chandan M B commented Jun 24 '15, 1:51 a.m.

Server Side extensions i need to fetch the details of the changeset associated to a workitem

One answer

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Jianoula Papadakis Kantos (16535) | answered Jun 24 '15, 2:30 p.m.
The only thing you can do is associate (link) the change set to a work-item, and manually detail the changes in the work item. You may be interested in seeing this video:

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