"Replace in ..." option in the pending changes panel in RTC
One answer
Hi Shubjit,
Thanks for the early response.
I accidentally clicked on this option and selected yes!!
1. And now according to the link, it replaces the content of the stream with the one on my workspace!(which in my case is a disaster!!) If there were any incoming changes, would it have shown any conflicts?
2. Also how do I revert this now??
Hi Vamsinag
From a local test on the JKE banking template (testing on latest milestone), when you do a "Replace in" it creates a baseline named "Backup before replace".
Let me know how this works
Hi Shubjit,
Yes there is a baseline that has been created. Is this like a back up of the previous environment?
Hi Vamsinag
It is a baseline created prior to you Replace in operation. I suggest you do a compare to check what changes went in or out due to the Replace in operation.
You can revert the component to this backup baseline, but if there are changes delivered post the baseline, those would have to be reworked.