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work items personalization

carlo gneo (9694) | asked May 21 '09, 5:18 a.m.
Hi, from few days, I'm trying RTC express edition and I see I really need a personalization of work items.

I've readed that this is possible only with Standard edition, but I also have readed that with the new realease RTC 2.0 rc1 I can customize the work item's fields. is this true?

If yes, can I upgrade my old version with the new version of express in simple steps and mantaining all data stored?

Thanks and sorry for my language and newbie questions.

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 25 '09, 12:56 a.m.
Hello cargne80,

Here is the link to the information you are looking for:

The overview shows "Customizable work item attributes and presentations"
for the express versions.
Note, this is version 2.0 and there is only a beta available ot this time.
However you can download and try it.

There are several tabs like upgrading new and noteworthy etc. Please have
a look there for upgrading and what the differences are to RTC1.x.

In general you install a new version in a different directory (client and
server) and then you have to migrate your repository.


Hi, from few days, I'm trying RTC express edition and I see I really
need a personalization of work items.

I've readed that this is possible only with Standard edition, but I
also have readed that with the new realease RTC 2.0 rc1 I can
customize the work item's fields. is this true?

If yes, can I upgrade my old version with the new version of express
in simple steps and mantaining all data stored?

Thanks and sorry for my language and newbie questions.

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