RQM - Uploading Attachment via REST API/RQMUrlUtility

CLM 5.0.2
Following RQMUrlUtility, I have issued the next command to upload an attachment:
java -jar RQMUrlUtility -command POST -user build -password build -filepath C:\temp\importing.log -url https://server:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE%20Banking%20(Quality%20Management)/attachment
The output seems like the command succeeded:
<<<<<----- [ RQMUrlUtility ] ---->>>>>
Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://server:9443 using project "JKE+Banking+(Quality+Management)"
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context
RQMUrlUtility: Calling [ HTTP POST ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 201
RQMUrlUtility: [ SUCCESS ] File : "C:\temp\importing.log" successfully posted to URL : "https://server:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/JKE+Banking+(Quality+Management)/attachment "
Slug: Content-Location: slug__3ZpDkJV-EeS778qLKYfUqw
Disconnecting from the IBM Rational Quality Manager server.
BUT, I can't see the attachment in the attachment feed, nor I can attach it to a specific resource.
Is there something wrong with the command above?
4 answers

Hi Liora, nice that you were able to resolve the issue, however, I am struggling with a similar issue so maybe you can share the solution with the community? Thanks!

Long time passed since than. Don't really remember.
BUT, I was able to add the attachment.
Let me add my customer to this discussion and he might find you the relevant code.

When you say "I was able to add the attachment" do you mean you were able to add a link to the attachment to another artifact (e.g. an execution result) via REST API? I have been told it would not be possible because attachment and contribution elements are defined as read-only.

Yes. I was able to do it. I have received my customer approval to publish the code snippet. He will do that later on.

Great, thanks in advance!