RTC and intellij integration problem
After we migrated to RTC server 5.0.2 I can not setup my Intellij Idea to work with RTC.
I have updated my RTC Eclipse/RAD client to 4.0.6 via installation manager. I have checked Eclipse/RAD integration with server and it works fine;
I have updated Intellij Idea plugin to new version (actually, I have tried both 4.0.6 and 5.x versions);
I have tried various versions of SCM tools (4.0.6 and 5.0.2);
scm -v returns Build Id: RTC-I20140205-1437, com.ibm.
team.filesystem.cli.client, version 3.2.100.v20140114_0303
when I try test connection to RTC server, I get error:
Problem running 'login':
Could not log in to https://###:9443/jazz/ as user ###@###: Your client is version 3.0.1, and the server is version 5.0.2. These versions are not compatible. Server Version: 5.0.2. Client Version: 3.0.1. Your client is not compatible with the server. Update your client from https://######:9443/clmhelp/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/ .topics/c_upgrading_clients. html
Probably I'm missing some install, but after all trials and failures I'm out of ideas, what to try next.
One answer
Thanks for response!
Actually something has been cashed, because after complete system restart, the earlier error message have disappeared.
I have other issues now, but I think it is related to Intellij Idea RTC plugin.
By the way, my environment is:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Idea 14.0.2
RTC server 5.0.2
Eclipse plugin version 4.0.6
sam detweiler
Dec 22 '14, 9:32 a.m.Sounds like your intellij config is incorrect, and points to the wrong scmtools path..
https://###:9443/jazz/ is the old pre-CLM rtc url.. should be https://###:9443/ccm
also the client error " Your client is version 3.0.1, and the server is version 5.0.2. "
indicates a path problem somewhere..