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receive an email alert when users add or modify artifacts in RRC

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Dec 10 '14, 9:58 a.m.

We have a end-user requirement where the user would like to receive an email alert when users add or modify artifacts in their project.
Let me know if this is possible in RM 501

2 answers

permanent link
Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Dec 10 '14, 10:05 a.m.
Hi Anoop,
For RM, users will only get updates for reviews or comments of an artifact if they subscribe.  There is no email notification for modifications.  Suspicion profiles can be used to see which artifacts that have been updated. 
I hope this helps.

permanent link
Alastair Beadle (19411218) | answered Dec 10 '14, 10:17 a.m.
Hi Anoop,
As Erica says, not at present, but it has been highlighted as a valuable feature by many and there is a (unfortunately very old) work item to incorporate it at some point (hopefully) in the future. You may wish to subscribe to it and/or add your comments to the discussion, see the following link:

Work Item 44266


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