Trying to get all modules in RM using OSLC query
I am using the below query to get all the modules in RM
'oslc.query': 'true',
'projectURL': self.project_uri,
'oslc.prefix': 'rmTypes=<>,dcterms=<>',
'oslc.where': 'rmTypes:ArtifactFormat=<%s>' Module,
'': 'dcterms:title'
Is the query correct?
I wanted to get a particular Module by name.
After getting all the modules I am iterating through .//rdfs:member/* and matching dcterms:title with the actual module name. It was working before something happened recently.
One answer
Late response I know. These work in 7.0.2 but AFAIK should work in earlier versions too.
Your oslc.where should be:
Or (the exact same thing done using a prefix)::
But rather than postprocessing you can make the query also look for a title, e.g.:
oslc.where=rmTypes:ArtifactFormat=jazz_rm:Module and dcterms:title="My Module Title"
or even match any of several titles:
oslc.where=rmTypes:ArtifactFormat=jazz_rm:Module and dcterms:title in ["My Module Title","My Other Module Title"]
Don't forget the oslc.where and values must be encoded into the URL