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Found more than one contributor with userId 'admin' error

Ernesto Ramirez (131018) | asked Dec 09 '14, 2:37 p.m.
There is a problem while trying to create a new project area in RRC (5.0.1) . An error appears indicating there's more than one userId "admin". However I have searched users (including archived) and I just found one "admin". This environment works on Tomcat and it was recently upgraded. Could you please advise?

Donald Nong commented Dec 09 '14, 7:34 p.m.

I suggest you check rm.log and see if you can find out what RRC was doing before throwing out this error.

Ernesto Ramirez commented Dec 09 '14, 11:10 p.m. | edited Dec 10 '14, 1:14 a.m.

It seems the error has been for a while in the server.
This is the fisrt message where the 'admin' appears:

2014-11-13 14:20:48,517 [jts: AsynchronousTaskRunner-4 @@ 14:20] ERROR                          - Found more than one contributor with userId 'admin' Found more than one contributor with userId 'admin'
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor943.invoke(Unknown Source)

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 10 '14, 1:18 a.m.
This is in the jts-etl.log file, right? If so, it appears that there are indeed duplicate users. I suggest you contact Support. We may be able to deliver the method on investigating the issue using the forum but not so for the solution.

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Jan 28 '15, 4:11 p.m.
I've seen this problem when there is a change in the "Use case insensitive user ID matching" property that shows up on each applications advanced properties page.  Did this property change between the upgraded version and the earlier version?  There is a default ADMIN user (all uppercase) for CLM and I noticed that the error has lower case 'admin'.

Also, when looking at <JazzTeamServer_install_dir>\server\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml do you see two admin users listed?

I hope this helps.

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