How to change repository workspace visibilty to public/scoped from private using Rational team concert shell?

3 answers

I just did this using the RTC 5.0.2 client. Here's what I did: Use the Work Items perspective. Open the Team Artifacts view, and expand My Repository Workspaces. Double click on your repository workspace. You'll see a change button across from the Visibility.

I just did this using the RTC 5.0.2 client.
Question was for Rational Team Concert Shell not the Eclipse client.

You can change the scope from private to public scoped visibility in RTC Client by selecting the component/edit and the option - Change Owner and in the pop up box that comes up - select the project and or team - and make sure this button is unchecked "Restrict to members of this team area and its child team areas" - when unchecked it automatically makes the project scoped and not private.