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Error while connecting bugzilla to clm

I am trying to connect existing bugzilla adapter with CLM. While trying to establish friend connection with RTC, am getting the below error.
An error occured while requesting the root services document from server "http://localhost:8080/OSLC4JBugzilla/rootservices". Please check the url and try again. IDCRJAZ1575E
Any help or suggestion to resolve it?
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Dec 04 '14, 8:13 a.m.Hi Sajitha,
Please try open from web browser located on server machine following web page: http://localhost:8080/OSLC4JBugzilla/rootservices
What do you see now?
Sajitha Yousuf
Dec 05 '14, 8:13 a.m.I am getting the rootservices document as a download.