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RTC Support for CICS application bundles.

One question I had is with regards to the integration of RTC to CICS. Specifically, CICS has come out with new support as of version 5 for major, minor, and micro versions using application bundles. This allows multiple versions of the same module to run in a single region – which was unheard of previously. It also allows a given modification of a program to only be exposed to a specific subset of users.
Do you know if RTC supports this capability – particularly managing the version numbers. For example, I could have a minor fix 9.4 and a subsequent bug fix (or possibly just a customization) 9.4.1. Consequently, 9.4.1 would override specific modules in 9.4.
I was just curious if RTC is aware of the application bundle definitions. It looks like RDz is aware of them (refer to here). Does RTC support them as well?