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Mail notifications for users

Ilona Krammer (159549) | asked Sep 27 '16, 7:22 a.m.
We tried a test migration from the old system to the new one and for that we turned off the e-mail notification setting on the server.
That was yesterday.

Today I had to do some other tests and turned the notification back on - and people are getting the notification mails!! Is there any way to stop this? (I turned the notification setting back off but mails are still being sent)

And I don't understand why that happens in the first place..

Donald Nong commented Sep 28 '16, 2:52 a.m.

Is the old server or the new server sending out the email notification?

Ilona Krammer commented Sep 28 '16, 7:01 a.m.

From the new one when the items are changed during import.

The e-mails seem to have been queued somewhere even though I set the notifications to false and then sent after I turned it back on. I am absolutely clueless why that happened

2 answers

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Sep 29 '16, 5:04 a.m.
As Donald said the behavior is working as designed. 

Because the mail task is sending mail notification based on the change event, a possible workaround is changing the Change Event Expiration to a very small number, ie 60 sec (default is 14 days). 
You also need to change "ChangeEvent Scrub Task Fixed Delay" to a small number to make the scrub task run immediately. After the change events get scrubbed, you can enable the mail notification.
You can refer to technote about the change event scrub setting.

Please note, the scrub task will delete all change events. You need to make sure you don't need them before you try the above workaround. For a new server, maybe it's fine to remove the change event.
In addition, after you completed all importing, you need to reset the change event scrub to default settings.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 28 '16, 8:17 p.m.
This is a known, and "expected", behavior. See below discussions and possible solutions.

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