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How can I sort work items by priority literal name in BIRT

Kenery Wang (6411827) | asked Nov 24 '14, 10:08 a.m.

I created a report for fetching some work items in RTC by BIRT. 
Here comes a problem, how can I sort the work items by its priority literal name?

I want the display result like from High, Medium, Low to Unassigned, how can I do?
below is the unsorted result:

Thanks for any responses!

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 24 '14, 7:40 p.m.
You can use the sorting capability in BIRT. Follow this tutorial and you will see how to sort a column in Task 6.
Kenery Wang selected this answer as the correct answer

Kenery Wang commented Nov 24 '14, 9:04 p.m.

Hi Donald,

Just finished the task! Thanks for your precious information! 

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