Are there any detailed step by step instructions on how to get an existing RFT project from RTC?

One answer

it is not clear what version of RFT and RTC you are using. They need to compatible first(this can be found from RTC system requirements) and installed into the same package and there is setting in RFT's to enable.
More info, please see RFT helps:

Thanks Don.
Guess I should have added the RFT/RTC information in the original question - apologizes:
RFT 8.3 and RTC 4.3.
Noticed though that RFT 8.3 supports only RTC 4.0.
What's good is that I have been able to connect RFT with RTC using Rational Team Concert Client Feature 4.3 Plugin, and everything seems fine. Meaning that I can create work spaces, check in files, view history etc. However the Pending change list only shows out going changes and not any incoming changes - and this is the problem.
Couple of question though:
1/ Is there any RFT version that support post RTC 4.0 server connections?
2/ Can I use the RTC 4.3 Client in my RFT 8.3 to connect to my server?
Much thanks,

1) yes, from RTC4.0.3 to 4.0.7, RFT 8.5 and fixpack is supported
2) I guess you have installed RTC extension on top of RFT Eclipse. I don't know the base version of Eclipse but in general, you should be allowed to use that to connect to RTC server in RTC perspective.