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How do I display all comments from a Comments Presentation in a Work Item Query

Ben Sharples (813360) | asked Nov 21 '14, 12:12 p.m.
 Against most of my work item items I have a comment presentation to capture user comments against progress, or other notes.

When I run a query to display multiple work items and add the Comments as a column only the last comment is displayed.

How do I output all comments? - this is particularly necessary when trying to display history of decisions and progress in summary reviews.

Donald Nong commented Nov 23 '14, 7:41 p.m.

Showing all the comments can make the tabular view of the query result look distorted. Any reason you have to put all the comments in a tabular view rather than open the work item to view the details?

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Nov 24 '14, 2:49 a.m.
 Hello Ben,
I don't thin it's possible OOTB.
The query result will only display the last comment.

It might be possible using OSLC.


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