Configuring tomcat to support symbolic links
We're running CLM 406 soon to go to 502. Our setup is a single server install using the default tomcat and Oracle as backend running on Redhat 6.4
We are trying to use a common dir nfs mounted across our production and testbed servers. This dir (/data) s to contain various xml files (data) that we want to use. This data populates pick lists in workitems.
In the tomcat/webapps/ROOT dir we created a data symlink to /data and restarted tomcat.
We still can't seem to access this data. We've searched various tomcat forums and noted that there needs to be a directive defined in either the tomcat context.xml or server.xml file to support symlinks. We still have not gotten this to work.
Can someone tell me how to implement this functionality?
One answer
I already found this and tried their suggestion but could not get it to work.
Is there something specific with Jazz's implementation of tomcat that changes how to enable this functionality?
and the link has the right permissions for the userid that tomcat is running under, correct? Unix file permissions cause s many lovely problems.. (and prevent others)