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Risk Assessment in RQM

Taly Hotimsky (2714657) | asked Nov 06 '14, 3:10 p.m.
 I have a hard time understanding the idea of doing Risk Management in RQM. Out of the CLM suite of tools, Risk Management to me belongs in RTC.

I understand and support Risk Based Testing, but, from a tooling perspective, I'd think Risks should be managed in RTC and linked to in the RQM assets.

Can anyone clarify the reasons for managing Risk directly in RQM and the benefits of doing so (as opposed to the solution I described)?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Nov 07 '14, 7:21 a.m.

Taly Hotimsky commented Nov 07 '14, 8:19 a.m.

Hi Paul.

Thanks for the link, I'm already familiar with it.
Either I'm missing something though or it doesn't really answer my question around benefits of managing risk directly in RQM (as opposed to the solution I described).

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