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RQM - Import Utility - Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne

Parameswaran V (10018) | asked Feb 20 '20, 3:28 p.m.

 Trying it on

Using 6.0,6 - Import utility

However, the sample import file - Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls, when i tried is giving me error. I see, that its not able to create a 'Test Case Execution Record' and link with the Plan

I saw 6 errors, and all of them with only execution record. (Out of total 30 items)

Error Log; for one such issue: (from MSO2RQM_Debug)
2/21/2020 1:52:20 AM: Server returned code InternalServerError

2/21/2020 1:52:20 AM: Error sending to server executionworkitem_TC003_TS034 of type executionworkitem

2/21/2020 1:52:20 AM: Internal Server Error

2/21/2020 1:52:20 AM: ERROR: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelExportRepositoryDialog: Error saving to url of type executionworkitem

2/21/2020 1:52:20 AM: ERROR: <Unknown Caller Context>: With description: Internal Server Error with message <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:Error xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns20="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns13="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns21="" xmlns:ns17="" xmlns:ns16="" xmlns:ns15="" xmlns:ns14="" xmlns:ns18=""><ns2:statusCode>500</ns2:statusCode><ns2:message>Internal server error</ns2:message></ns2:Error>

One answer

permanent link
Monika Rajput (25612) | answered Feb 27 '20, 6:12 a.m.

 Hi Parameswaran,

Please check if you have permission to create executionworkitem. Also check you do not have any pre-condition checked (Preconditions & Follow-up Actions) which is preventing executionworkitems to be saved on project. 

If above 2 scenarios are working fine, please create a defect to investigate more Create a work item

Monika Rajput

Parameswaran V commented Feb 27 '20, 8:07 a.m.

Thank you Monika. I checked that i have permission to create Execution record. Actually when i used another sample excel 'Execution Results' its all good.

So, i have for now raised a defect.

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