Isn't "Collection Selection" window suppose to display requirements artifacts when folder selected
I'm trying to use the "Requirements Collection Links" from my test plan to add requirements collections. But when I select "Add New Links" button and subsequently select a requirements folder in right pane, no requirements appear in left pane and "0 matches" is displayed. I can link a requirements module from RRC by entering module and selecting Module Links -> Validated By. Why do requirement artifacts not display when selecting "Add New Links" and folder from filter by folder from RQM test plan? See attached image. Can anyone shed light on this?
Accepted answer
Hi Stuart,
Which version of CLM are you using? I tried this in a v5.0 environment and it seems to work for me.
For clarification, when you are attempting to "Add new links" from the "Requirement Collection Links" section in an RQM Test Plan, the only artifacts which appear in the artifact picker form will be of type "Collection". In RRC/DNG, Collection is a type of artifact which maintains a list of Requirements, so when using an RQM Test Plan it makes sense to link to a *set* of Requirements instead of individual Requirement artifacts. If you are looking to link to individual Requirements from RQM to RRC, then you may need to use a Test Case to maintain these links (see "Requirement Links" section in a Test Case).
Does this answer your question? I hope this helps!
Mike Jaworski
Stuart Jewell
Nov 04 '14, 6:06 image...I apparently don't have a reputation > 60.