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User delivered an empty Changeset to the stream. Can it be deleted.

David Beange (111364101) | asked Oct 23 '14, 11:51 a.m.
Using RTC v4.0.6 a user has managed to deliver an empty change set to a stream. This is not linked to a work item

is it possible to completely remove all references to the changeset? If so how?

It has no content so not possible to reverse it.  This is to remove the changeset such that it does not appear on any build lists and affect Audits as opposed to affecting functionality.

2 answers

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Andy Jewell (24236374) | answered Oct 23 '14, 12:23 p.m.
 No, it's not possible.  Same thing happened to us and I really thought I had a question on the forum about it but could not find it.  In any case you can see this.  Once a changeset is delivered (empty or not), it can't be removed.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 23 '14, 10:30 p.m.
If you want to remove the change set so that it does not appear on any (subsequent) build lists for a stream or affect auditing of that stream, then you can create a workspace on the stream, discard the empty change set, and then "replace" the configuration in the stream with the configuration of the workspace.   This does not delete the change set from the repository, but it does delete it from the stream (which appears to be what you are looking for).

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