Is it possible to allow enter "Manage Project Properties" in RQM for a project member who is not ProjectAdmin?
I am using RQM 5.0.
The project properties are managed in the area " ". The project process properties are managed in the area "Manage this Project Area".
Is it possible to give a normal project member who is not ProjectAdmin the permission to modify the Project Properties?
We use a template project from which we create new projects in RQM.
There are several settings which must be set "inside" the project, like Categories for release numbers or functionalities.
The Test Manager should be allowed to modify such Properties, but not be allowed to modify the Process Configuration.
Currently, the highest role is not allowed to modify the Properties, if this user is not part of the ProjectAdmins.
I think this makes no sense, because the Administration should be more protected against changes than the Properties.
Is there a way to solve this issue?
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I do not think that it is possible. Anyway it is suspicious question as my understanding of RQM is that this is rather administrative task.
Could you elaborate what is exactly the reason you want non admin users modify it?
Hello Krzysztof!
The Test Manager should be allowed to specify categories like release-name or functionality. Such Categories are project dependent and come up during project lifetime.
The process itself should be fixed. No one should be allowed to modify the permissions or the approval workflow settings.
There should be only a few people, who are allowed to apply changes to the process. But there are many Test Managers.
Hello Krzysztof!
I saw that manageing categories is also possible from the user gui. So that is no longer a problem
But defining the test environment remains problematic.
In our comany, there is not one big test chief who defines the test environment for all projects. That is something the test manager does.
So any idea how this can be solved?
1. Create, modify and delete Categories, Category values and attributes.
If you do this, anyone with this role can get to categories from the artifact lists. The challenge is getting at attributes. They can only be managed from the Manage Project Properties page
2. Save changes on the Manage Project Properties page (the permission is Save Administrative Options)
The challenge here is the same as managing attributes. Even if you have permission to make changes, the QM UI doesn't show the Manage Project Properties menu item unless you're a project area administrator. This is design flaw IMHO. The QM UI always shows "Manage this Project Area", so why not show Manage Project Properties? You can't save changes unless you have permission.
You can get to the Manage Project Properties page even if you're not an admin by changing the end of the URL is your browser to &subAction=viewSystemProperties. For example, if you're on the project area dashboard page, the URL in your browswer will be:
https://<server>/qm/web/console/<project area>
Change the URL to
https://<server>/qm/web/console/<project area>
There's no security hole here: if the user doesn't have permission to Save Administrative Options, he won't be able to save any changes.
The one thing that you do here that DOES require Administrative access is creating Lab Resource/Environment types.