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Avoid carrying of compete metadata from previous version of asset to new version of asset in RAM

Vijay Reddy Gaddam (563041) | asked Oct 21 '14, 1:52 a.m.

In RAM, I see that the complete metadata, Categories,etc., of an asset is being carried to new version of asset when we try to create the new asset version in RAM.
Is there a option such that I can only carry some of the metadata, Categories,etc., information to the newer version of asset in RAM?

Thanks and Regards,
Vijay Reddy.

One answer

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Lin Lu (3063) | answered Oct 21 '14, 2:39 a.m.

There is no such out-of-box method in Java API now, I think there is a wi for you requirement which is under dev:
JAVA API copy asset custom function (117326)


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