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copy work items and all its links in RTC

jeff thomas (542528) | asked Oct 10 '14, 9:33 a.m.
 In RTC 5.0, when you copy a work item, looks like only the work item itself gets copied.  None of its links are copied, is that correct?  Sometimes a user may want to duplicate a story and all its tasks.  Just want to confirm that's not possible.  Thanks

2 answers

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 11 '14, 11:36 p.m.
That is my understanding.   If you want to duplicate a story and all its tasks, you can create a work item template from that story, and then instantiate the template.

permanent link
Bhasker Tiwari (4825) | answered Mar 10 '19, 8:39 p.m.

 Hi Geoff,

In a scenario where the user wants to create a sibling work item, the user wish to have an option to copy the links from the source work item(could be parent/child or any other).

Based upon my understanding its not supported out of the box. However, Copy of a link (parent or any specified) can be enabled with a help of a custom followup action without making it selectable to the user on the GUI. it can be setup post to the work item creation using the information "Copied from" work item information.

@Geoff: Do we have it as part of the new version releases of RTC?

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