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How printing plan ?

Mathieu Defianas (15952938) | asked Oct 10 '14, 4:29 a.m.
I have read the news for the 5.0.1. version and this feature should be very interesting for me :

On the first time, I had thought that a print button has been added to each plan but finally, I have understood that printing plan is only supported by the print function in the browser ... Is it correct ?

I have tried to test it (for example, I have printed a sprint taskboard) but the result continue to be bad ... Some column (on the right side) is not printed ...

Can you help me ?
Have you tested it ?


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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Oct 10 '14, 5:10 a.m.
 Hello Matthieu,
I did print test - agree - unless you create a dedicated (for printing purpose) plan,
with the column / size you need,
the current browser printing feature will miss most columns.

and links


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