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Is there a way to create a work item from a personal dashboard in RTC 4.0.5?

Chris Lockard (2549) | asked Sep 30 '14, 11:39 a.m.
We have users that rely heavily on their personal dashboard(s) to work on multiple project areas in RTC simultaneously.  Is there a widget or some other method that would allow a user to create a specific type of work item in a specific project area from their personal RTC dashboard?

Accepted answer

permanent link
N Z (36212127) | answered Sep 30 '14, 6:11 p.m.
 You can use the bookmark widget.
Copy the link from a new workitem and paste it into the bookmark widget. A meaningful title can be displayed for each bookmark.
Chris Lockard selected this answer as the correct answer

Chris Lockard commented Oct 01 '14, 1:31 p.m.

Thanks much!  I had tried this and couldn't get it to work, finally figured out that you have to ok the bookmark entry and then also ok the bookmark widget content in order to get the bookmark saved and working.

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