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Interface for MSPS and Rational RTC integration

Sharad Choudhary (12810) | asked Sep 24 '14, 1:50 a.m.

Hi ,

Do you have any API for below requirement  for Dot net developer:-

  1. If I change in Rational RTC's Plan then it should update on  Microsoft project server plan
  2. If I change in Microsoft project server's Plan then it should update on  RTC's Plan 



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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 09 '14, 5:36 a.m.
The RTC Plan API is currently only internal.
RTC provides export/import of MSProject files. There is a bit of reconciliation.
To develop such an integration would be very complex, even if the API's would not be internal. One reason is, that the plans in RTC calculate on Life data.

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