Yet another sprint burndown issue

According to the sprint burndown report, "only work items which are open and in progress and which have an estimate are included in the calculation". This raised a question when I tried to manually recompute the remaining work.
As of today, our sprint burndown shows we still have around 155 hours of work left.I have to approximate as the dot is between the 140 and 160 hour lines but near the 160.
According to the Progress report bar:
And tallying all the defects and tasks in our current sprint:
The phrasing of the report description is confusing so here are my calculated numbers
* Work items which are openAND in progress AND have an estimate
Number of WI matching filter: 9
Total estimate w/o correction: 241hrs
Total estimate w/ correction: 221hrs
Total time spent: 121.5 hours
Total remaining effort against original estimate: 119.5
Total remaining effort against corrected estimate: 99.5
* Work items which are( open OR in progress ) AND have an estimate
Number of WI matching filter: 19
Total estimate w/o correction: 273hrs
Total estimate w/ correction: 253hrs
Total time spent: 121.5 hours
Total remaining effort against original estimate: 151.5
Total remaining effort against corrected estimate: 131.5
Based on the approximated value in the Sprint Burndown graph, the second filtering criteria is closer but why was the burndown not considering the corrected estimate in the computation? I am sure nobody has updated any time fields from the time the database snapshots were updated and when I took the sample data I used in the computation. And how do I tie it with the Progress bar report?
Anybody care to explain where I possibly used a wrong assumption? Our server is using RTC 1.0.1.
As of today, our sprint burndown shows we still have around 155 hours of work left.I have to approximate as the dot is between the 140 and 160 hour lines but near the 160.
According to the Progress report bar:
Work hours done: 182 of 300
Expected Work Hours: 245
And tallying all the defects and tasks in our current sprint:
Total number of work items: 28
Total number of work items w/o estimates or time spent: 22
Not started work items : 10
Total estimate: 32hrs
In Progress work items w/o correction: 8
Total estimate: 205hrs
Total time spent: 109.5hrs
Remaining: 95.5hrs
In Progress work items w/ correction: 1
Total estimate: 36hrs
Total corrected estimate: 16hrs
Total time spent: 12hrs
Remaining: 4hrs
Resolved work items: 2
Total estimate: 18hrs
Total corrected estimate: 26hrs
Total time spent: 26hrs
Remaining: 0hrs
The phrasing of the report description is confusing so here are my calculated numbers
* Work items which are open
Number of WI matching filter: 9
Total estimate w/o correction: 241hrs
Total estimate w/ correction: 221hrs
Total time spent: 121.5 hours
Total remaining effort against original estimate: 119.5
Total remaining effort against corrected estimate: 99.5
* Work items which are
Number of WI matching filter: 19
Total estimate w/o correction: 273hrs
Total estimate w/ correction: 253hrs
Total time spent: 121.5 hours
Total remaining effort against original estimate: 151.5
Total remaining effort against corrected estimate: 131.5
Based on the approximated value in the Sprint Burndown graph, the second filtering criteria is closer but why was the burndown not considering the corrected estimate in the computation? I am sure nobody has updated any time fields from the time the database snapshots were updated and when I took the sample data I used in the computation. And how do I tie it with the Progress bar report?
Anybody care to explain where I possibly used a wrong assumption? Our server is using RTC 1.0.1.