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Exporting workitem results with parent/child information

Bala Rajamani (31117) | asked Aug 06 '12, 1:25 p.m.
retagged Aug 06 '12, 9:10 p.m. by Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431)

I'm trying to export workitems results with parent/child relationship details. Currently I am able to get this on the plan view. Wondering if there are other methods to get the desired results?

Having this detail would help PMs to get required report for project discussions and tracking purposes.


2 answers

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Aug 07 '12, 6:28 a.m.
Using the Eclipse Client, go to File-Export-Work Items:
1) select a Query and destination .csv file
2) Next, in the 'Choose attributes to export', select Id, Parent and Children
This should give you a .csv with Parent and Children columns refering to the corresponding Parent/Child(ren) work item Id(s).

Muthukumar C commented Aug 07 '12, 7:39 a.m. | edited Aug 07 '12, 7:39 a.m.

But It will be nice if there is a way to Export with the summary and Other Default details of Children / Parent WIs too.

In Work Item (Query Result) layout, we can add Parent / Child References which will show the Tree view of Work Items. Same structure should be exportable into Excel

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Bala Rajamani (31117) | answered Aug 07 '12, 2:00 p.m.
Thanks Chirstophe. I am able to get parent/child information from the report.

Like Muthukumar had mentioned this would have been nice if we are able to obtain the report in a tree form.

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