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Is there a way to add a customized action to a BuildDefiniton action list

Currently I have a custom delete action on the build result, so hoping I can also extend the build definition action list.
2 answers


Nick thanks for the quick reply.
I have used the buildConfigurationElements extension in the past in tangent with a custom BuildDef Template. But we discarded that solution. Our current solution does not require a custom Build Def and will run on any BuildDef/Engine that supports ANT.
I thought the buildConfigurationElements had to be used/defined by a template

So let me clarify further. We have many properties that need to be manually entered in the Build Def. We would like to avoid having the user type them all in. Additionally some properties are common while others are propriety depending on the build type the user may run. So one thought was to provide a properties file(there may be several based on build type) that a user could import into any build def a set them into the properties tab on the build def. Are thinking is we could programmatically do that if we could add an action to the build def pulldown i.e. import properties...
So it appears using the object action contribution is com.ibm.team.build.internal.ui.domain.BuildDefinitionQueryNode would allow us to do this? unless you have any other suggestions?

The properties section of build definitions/engines supports copy and paste. If you copy the selected properties with Ctl-c and then paste into a normal file (as opposed to another build defn), they will be pasted in xml format. You can then edit the xml to change the properties as desired and then select all the xml copy with ctl-c and then turn around and paste (ctl-v) back into the properties section of a defn. Not as smooth as you want, but just wanted to let you know about copy/paste.

Steve, I suggest trying Heather's suggestion of using copy/paste. If that doesn't work for you, we can circle back and discuss APIs further.