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Is it possible to create a Symbolic link pointing to baselined version?

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Sep 16 '14, 2:20 p.m.
Hi Everyone,
Is it possible to create a Symbolic link pointing to baselined version of a file in SCM? 

If so how would I go about it?

RTC 5.0

Remy Suen commented Sep 16 '14, 2:50 p.m.

What are you trying to achieve? How would you achieve this in other SCM systems?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Winston Enos (33116) | answered Sep 16 '14, 5:46 p.m.

I'm going to guess you are maybe thinking something like ClearCase where a user could create a true *nix-style symbolic link, or a Windows-shortcut, to a ClearCase-extended-pathname for an element like 'ln -s /vobs/path/to/some/element@@/main/release_1/10 ./link'

If so, then no, I know of no way to do such a thing in RTC. ClearCase was able to use it due to MVFS making that possible (and only if your user was in a dynamic view with a correct config-spec for selection.)

Daniel Ruebush selected this answer as the correct answer

Geoffrey Clemm commented Sep 16 '14, 8:11 p.m.

I promoted Winston's comment to an answer, because I am reasonably sure that was what Daniel had in mind.

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