Do our floating licenses expire? If so, what effects will be felt by the users?
2 answers
There are a number of license types for the Jazz products.
The primary license types (floating and authorized) are perpetual, i.e., the licenses are good forever for that version of the product(s). If you upgrade to a new release, you may need to download and install new licenses, which are available if you have active support.
There are license types that expire: "tokens" and "fixed term licenses" (FTL).
As I recall (and I may not be 100% correct here), in any of the above cases where the licenses were no longer active/relevant, both "read' and "write" access would be lost where project areas are configured to require authentication to gain access.
The primary license types (floating and authorized) are perpetual, i.e., the licenses are good forever for that version of the product(s). If you upgrade to a new release, you may need to download and install new licenses, which are available if you have active support.
There are license types that expire: "tokens" and "fixed term licenses" (FTL).
As I recall (and I may not be 100% correct here), in any of the above cases where the licenses were no longer active/relevant, both "read' and "write" access would be lost where project areas are configured to require authentication to gain access.
Thanks for taking the time to explain. We have a floating license server with 15 "Developer-Floating" licenses for the RTC 4.0 product. I saw a purchase order that mentioned something was expiring on July 31. This is why I am asking. On August 1, would our developers be unable to create work items and perform SCM operations?
Also, is there a location within JTS that I can identify an expiration date for a floating license?