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RTC - Can't edit work item fields customised after workitem created

Aziz Alsharafi (134) | asked Sep 08 '13, 5:43 a.m.
I am not able to edit newly customised workitem fields after the workitem has been created, the fields are showing as disabled.

when creating a new work item, i am able to use the new fields, but i need to update all my previous workitems and populate values for the older data so my dashboard can reflect.


sam detweiler commented Sep 08 '13, 8:45 a.m.

make sure to synchronize all existing workitems..

Using eclipse, with the default workitem  view (id,...) select the workitems, right click on the ID column, select Syncronize.. (you can only do 1000 at a time)

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Aziz Alsharafi (134) | answered Sep 08 '13, 10:31 a.m.
Thanks for the tip.
I am able now to edit the fields

I found this also in an article

Thanks again

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