How to search TCERs with status In Progress?
When looking at the Execution Console (RQM 4.0.6) I know we can filter by Status.
However, when looking on TCERs, I couldn't find a way to filter only for those TCERs that are pending execution. The closest (I found) would be filtering by "Last Result". However, this column doesn't show the "In Progress" option and, as such, doesn't allow me to filter for what still needs to be completed.
Any ideas?
Donald Nong
Jul 25 '14, 12:33 a.m.This one is quite curious. In the TCER result set page, four executionResultStatesDTO requests with different parameters are sent to the server and the "In Progress" state is returned in one of these responses. As it turns out, the "In Progress" state is hidden, and it is intentionally removed from the "Last Result" column. Here is its JSON presentation.
The other hidden state is "Paused".Taly Hotimsky
Jul 25 '14, 7:22 a.m.Hi Donald.
Also, do you happen to know if there's any good reason for hiding these statuses? It doesn't seem to make sense.