QM- how to filter test cases/test case execution record not included in specific test plan

In Quality Management 6.0.6, at Test Case list (Contruction-Test Case) or Test Case Execution Record list (Execution-Test Case Execution Record), i have the need to see test cases that do not belong to "specific" test plan id, for example id: 1234. Same need for TCER
Could you advise how to perform this?
P/S: I have a lot of test plan id and can filter to see test cases belonging to specific test plan or not in any test plan, but cannot know how to filter test cases which are not tested in specific test plan
One answer

How about checking all test plans except the specific test plan that you want to exclude?

I have no ideas to perform filter "all test plans except specific test plan", could you give your advice?
Currently QM only shows a list of test plan id i need to tick/untick, checkbox"Not in any test plan", checkbox "In any test plan". I wish it can have advanced filter like excel spreadsheet: have checkbox to select all, advanced filter to specific test plan id
To perform the need as my oringinal question, i need to export data to Excel and perform filter there