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problem with tables in doors while Generating Report in RPE

prashob T (6111) | asked Jul 18 '14, 2:35 a.m.
edited Jul 18 '14, 4:11 a.m.
 I am using Doors 9.5 and RPE 1.2 i guess,
I have copied the tables from MS Word to Doors and saved it in a module. When I generate the Report using RPE with same module, the tables is coming as text converting each row in table to line of text.

RPE template design is simple that fetches Object heading and Object Text.

Please help me in this issue

5 answers

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 19 '14, 2:40 p.m.
That is the case if you are retrieving Object Text from Module/Object query.

You should rather use Module/Object/Table/Row/Object/Object Text to get the output as you are expecting. You may refer to sample template (doorsData.dta in %rpe_home%\source\DOORS\examples) that comes with RPE.

prashob T commented Jul 22 '14, 3:59 p.m.

i tried this also, if the table is created in doors itself then the above query works. if you copy paste table from MS Word this wont work.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Jul 23 '14, 2:04 a.m. | edited Jul 23 '14, 2:05 a.m.

Can you provide the dta and dma files? I will look into this.

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Abish Mathew Zachariah (252511) | answered Jul 21 '14, 1:50 a.m.

Hi Prashob

I hope you are copy pasting Word tables into the DOORS object text. If this is the case then DOORS does not support RTF tables copy pasted from Word into object text. From the same module, if you do a standard export to Word (File > Export > Microsoft Office > Word), you see the same behavior. Only the text from the copy pasted tables will be exported to Word without any table borders. There are enhancements already submitted in these lines. So this is not really a RPE problem as DOORS itself does not support copy pasting Word tables into Modules. It was earlier mentioned as limitation in DOORS readme file. So to get this right you should use DOORS native tables rather than Word tables and use the method mentioned by Prasad to extract the DOORS table details using RPE.

Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

prashob T commented Jul 22 '14, 4:09 p.m.

Hi Abish,
       I am using Doors 9.5 , I can copy paste tables in to the module and tables will not be converted to text. The tables itself is copied in to the module with out any distortion. My client has done that and its a huge data that cannot be converted into doors native tables with in a day.

  And Client wants RPE to generate report for modules in Doors.

Prashob K T

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Abish Mathew Zachariah (252511) | answered Jul 23 '14, 7:41 a.m.

Hi Prashob

>> “I am using Doors 9.5 , I can copy paste tables in to the module and tables will not be converted to text.”

This is because DOORS used Microsoft rich edit controls in the object text editor and hence you will see the table borders after copy/pasting it from Word ( same as Word pad)

Since DOORS does not support this, it is not processed correctly and you will lose the table boarders after a standard export to Word from DOORS.

Same is the case with RPE export. DOORS does not expose these Word tables correctly via its API to RPE, for it to process this correctly. Hence you will only get the text in the RPE generated Word output.

This was earlier raised as an enhancement for DOORS which got rejected. Below is the direct link to this enhancement from the online developer works community:
This was indeed mentioned as DOORS limitation earlier but I cannot find this now. May be you can contact support who will guide you to this limitation. Hope this suffices.

Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

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prashob T (6111) | answered Jul 27 '14, 6:38 a.m.
 Hi all,
       I found out the answer,

when you copy paste MSWord table to doors use "paste special " option in Edit menu.

This will make the table as a OLE object and you can Generate Reports in RPE without any problem. 

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Rational User (83) | answered Sep 25 '14, 7:54 a.m.
edited Sep 25 '14, 7:56 a.m.
 Hi Prashob,

Your solution is not working for large table though i used "paste special" option. however for medium table its working perfectly.

Can you do let me know if you have any suggestions for large table?. Thanks in advance,

Warm Regards,

prashob T commented Sep 26 '14, 7:40 a.m.
Hi Ganesh,
Since you never mentioned the Tool you are using i splitted the questio in to two.
Doors Part:-

Large tables after pasting to doors using paste special you can see it is a single object like a image and it will display half of table.  if you double click on object in doors you can  can see it selects the entire table as a image and if you double click on it again a word document will open inside doors and inside that you can see your whole table.

RPE part:-
For larger tables to be displayed in doors as a table, use doors native table because ole object is shown as such that is displayed in doors. 
For converting to doors native tables:-
copy the entire table in to a word file and import it to doors. doors will handle the tables and replicate the exact table in word file. 
For generating the RPE use Table Tool/control in the LHS of RPE studio.

if there is any query feel free to contact

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