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Is it possible to generate RPE report for global configuration enabled project areas?

Anjuri Kelaiya (3732) | asked Jan 08 '19, 5:34 a.m.

 I am using RPE v2.0.1 and I want to generate RPE report for RTC configuration enabled project area.

I want to generate a report on selected work item to check it belongs to which releases and that release should be displayed in the generated output.
Is it possible to fetch these details in RPE?

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jan 10 '19, 12:59 p.m.
You can generate document for GC enabled project areas using RPE. You just need to set COnfiguration-Context while configuring the data source. You may refer

target/name will provide "PlannedFor" (release).

Anjuri Kelaiya commented Jan 11 '19, 2:43 a.m.

Thanks for your response Subramanya.

But I want to fetch details from Manage this project area->Releases(on the left side).
Releases tab provides information on   

Release name    Release Date     Global Configuration.
Anjuri_test            Iteration-2           Test_Initial Development

I want to publish that Global Configuration stream/baseline name(Test_Initial Development) against one particular release name(Anjuri_Test) from the Releases in RPE report.
Any idea how can I achieve this?

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