RTC compare editor and sequence numbers
When editing parts in RTC , changes are in the change sets in the RTC work item and can also be viewed in the compare editor in RTC.
The new changed parts may not have sequence numbers on the right side(columns 73-80) and the original parts may have the sequence numbers(73-80).
How can the compare editor or editor be changed to only compare/edit columns 1-72?
For the change sets as well can anything be done?
In the change sets all of the lines show as deleted and then re-added.
Thank you!
The new changed parts may not have sequence numbers on the right side(columns 73-80) and the original parts may have the sequence numbers(73-80).
How can the compare editor or editor be changed to only compare/edit columns 1-72?
For the change sets as well can anything be done?
In the change sets all of the lines show as deleted and then re-added.
Thank you!
One answer
I believe the default RTC compare editor is just the compare editor that comes with Eclipse.
So you would need to submit an enhancement request to the Eclipse project to get the Eclipse compare editor modified.
But your best approach is probably to try to find an existing compare tool that allows you to ignore sequence numbers, and then invoke that via the RTC "Open in External Compare Tool" function.
So you would need to submit an enhancement request to the Eclipse project to get the Eclipse compare editor modified.
But your best approach is probably to try to find an existing compare tool that allows you to ignore sequence numbers, and then invoke that via the RTC "Open in External Compare Tool" function.
Donald Nong
Jul 15 '14, 12:12 a.m.Can you add a screen shot? It's hard to understand your question without seeing the actual content.
Jul 17 '14, 3:22 a.m.Here is a snippet of the original PLI from the Changeset in RTC Link section:
You can see the sequence number in the first snippet with '-' signs
Here is the second snippet of the changed PLI with '+' signs
So every line in the original code shows as a '-' and the new changed code has a '+'
This is because of the sequence numbers.