Migration from to 2.0 Beta 1
6 answers
https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/74082 contains migration doc as an attachment.
-- Balaji
-- Balaji
Have migrated to RTC 2.0 Beta 1. On starting my Tomcat Server I get error messages saying that the various services cannot be started. It appears I need to do a Jazz Server migration but I cannot find any instructions. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Can you paste the information in the log ? There will be an exception stack in addition to the "repository cannot be started" error message.
--- Balaji
--- Balaji
That is what I meant by "copying from backup" I imported the tar file that I exported before I installed 2.0. On starting the Tomcat server I get the error message that I mentioned.