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How to query for any value on custom field?

Scott Chapman (3216547) | asked Oct 27 '10, 10:06 a.m.
I have imported a bunch of work items from CQ, and created some custom string fields (SupportID for example).

The records themselves look good, those CQ entities that had SupportID numbers get them properly in RTC, and those that had no SupportID just have a blank value.

What I can't figure out how to do is query for all the records that have a SupportID.

Querying for "exists" or "is not" (blank) both return all RTC work items.

For what it's worth I am using the WebUI

2 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 28 '10, 1:44 p.m.
Just to rule out that it's not an importer issue, can you provide me a zip of a record with a value for supportId and another without. I think I still have your process spec and data mapping file.

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Scott Chapman (3216547) | answered Oct 29 '10, 1:27 p.m.
It isn't an import issue, you can create new work items with the value set and not set and it behaves this way.

Just to rule out that it's not an importer issue, can you provide me a zip of a record with a value for supportId and another without. I think I still have your process spec and data mapping file.

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