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Is there a way to change the special characters used in an RTC work item URL?

Jamie Berry (14014095) | asked Jul 08 '14, 2:36 p.m.
I have a user who is trying to include a link to a work item in a SharePoint wiki page. The URL he has for his work item is like the following:  https://server:port/ccm/web/projects/
When he pastes the URL in SharePoint the built-in SharePoint functionality is to encode special characters in URLS if a '?' is not included.  Since there is no '?' in an RTC URL, the '&' is encoded as '&26'.  The resulting URL is not recognized by the RTC server.  At the present, there is no way we can see around this.  Our SharePoint admin says the built-in encoding functionality cannot be changed.  Is there anything we can do on the RTC side?



One answer

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jul 08 '14, 3:26 p.m.
  if you add the link to a content editor web part, sharepoint doesn't reformat it.

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