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I am not able to upload "Resolution Date" IBM's attribute from eclipse, Is there any bug with this field?

Pradnya Raste (351624) | asked Jul 08 '14, 7:04 a.m.

I am trying to upload/modify data to "Resolution date field(standard field from IBM)" in one of WI type via eclipse and not able to do that. Though I am not getting any error during upload but in web view the desired date doesnt appear and the field remains blank. At the same time when I edit it from Web view I am able to update the same.

Please suggest what could be the reason for it.


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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Jul 08 '14, 7:37 a.m.
Hi Pradyna

Please check whether you are using a supported IBM RTC eclipse client at the same level as the server.
Also, verify that the editorial presentation 'Kind' is correctly defined as 'TimeStamp'.

You might need to check the workspace logs for investigation.

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