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Will RTC 4.0.7 support SQL 2012?

Stephane Couillaud (15632545) | asked Jul 01 '14, 7:21 p.m.
We are currently on RTC 4.0.6 using SQL 2008 R2.   RTC 5.0 no longer supports SQL 2008 R2 and leverages SQL 2012 instead. This makes our upgrade path rather more complex.   If RTC 4.0.7 were to support SQL 2012 then the following upgrade to 5.X would be much simpler.  Anyone know?

Accepted answer

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Robert Wen (690412) | answered Jul 01 '14, 8:57 p.m.
 In looking at the Jazz ALM dashboard, it seems that yes, support for SQL 2012 is included in CLM 4.0.7, of which RTC is part.

Hope this helps,

Stephane Couillaud selected this answer as the correct answer

Stephane Couillaud commented Jul 01 '14, 10:09 p.m.

I missed it when I checked the dashboard earlier. Now I see it thanks.  

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